

a collection of vintage and antique sterling ring boxes

box-n. - a container usually rectangular in shaped with a lid.  A simple definition for a "not so simple" box.  My definition is as follows: a box of various shapes and sizes made of sterling silver which holds a promise for a lifetime together or a representative milestone token of memories made...

Welcome to Ring Boxes Galore- the mystery of the sterling ring box. 

Pour a cuppa tea, grab a scone, click til you need to nap, make a wish list, or interact with the blog.  If you stay a while, be sure and share with your friends and don't forget to click the music links for fabulous notes.

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I was fortunate enough to be contacted by the property manager of the movie "The Notebook".  She inquired about the boxes and then asked if they could rent one for the movie.  I packed up four that would work for the time period of the movie.  The box below, sitting atop the signed book, was "the chosen one"! 

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Rachel McAdams and Joan Allen's signatures along with other cast members... Priceless! 

Rachel McAdams and Joan Allen's signatures along with other cast members... Priceless!


An actual still of my ring box used in the movie!   

An actual still of my ring box used in the movie! 

